Oznia, a blog of Israel things

~Election Followup by aklionsky

There I sat on February 10, the night of the Israeli election, repeatedly clicking the “refresh” button every few minutes on the Yediot Achronot website. Each time, percentage of seats won by Kadima and those won by Likud seemed insignificantly different. This raised an important question: What happens if the margin of victory by one party over another is tiny.

The way Israel dealt with that question was, in a sense, to disregard the results of the election. When the results are as close as they were this year, Israel brings the final decision to the President. So it was, that on February 20, President Shimon Peres announced that he has the most confidence in Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s ability—not the ability of Kadima’s Tzipi Livni, the candidate who won the most votes—to form a stable coalition, and thus a stable government.

To us, this seems ludicrous. For a country to go through all motions of an election—making campaign promises, ordering ballots, setting up voting booths, tallying the preferences—and then throw away the votes because it can’t be sure that the selected person will make a good leader: what was the point of voting?

February’s election showed something important about Israeli society today. The election showed the division amongst Israelis over what to do about the current situation, and displayed the appeal to large camps of Israelis of both major candidates and their platforms. But what the election failed to do was precisely what it was supposed to: decisively deliver a new Prime Minister to the Israeli people. Continue reading

~LIVNI WINS!…now what? by zionismlives
September 18, 2008, 12:52 pm
Filed under: politics | Tags: , , , , , ,

Today, in Israel, there were primaries for the Kadima Party. This was the first primary for the young Kadima Party, who will now have its third Prime Minister in as many years. The winner of the primary was Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tzipi Livni. She faced off against Shaul Mofaz, current Transportation Minister and a former military chief and defense minister. She is Israel’s first female Prime Minister in 34 years, but will receive no break; she has just over a month to form a new coalition in the government or there will be new elections in 2009.

To me, Livni was the best choice for Kadima and will be the best choice for Israel if—and when, in my opinion—the coalition cannot be formed and there is a general election. This is partially because the alternatives are very bad.

Continue reading

~McCain or Obama for Israel? by jpachefsky
August 7, 2008, 3:30 am
Filed under: opinion, politics | Tags: , , , ,

During the last few weeks of school, I had this constant question in my head: Who will be better for Israel? John McCain or Barack Obama? This is not an easy issue because our next President (with the help of Congress of course) will be a major player in deciding the fate of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda. Now, just to set things straight, I am not a one issue voter; however, since I have a pretty big connection with Israel and am a first time voter, Israel is one of the bigger concerns on my political palette. In order to help me figure this out, I turned the question to the Discussion Minyan at my school, which I am very involved in. The results were very interesting.

One person even suggested that the next President whether it would be McCain or Obama, would be the next Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton – bringing two sides together to establish a peace agreement. Many students talked about what the different administrations would do for Israel and the peace process, but the general consensus of our discussion minyan was pretty unanimous. There is no way the new president will not be pro-Israel because Isreal is too important to America. Israel is not just the only democracy in the Middle East, but also America’s only reliable ally. Since I am a first time voter, my opinion actually matters, but I know whoever we elect to be our nation’s leader this coming November, our new Mr. President will be pro-Israel.